The Herbal Body Map:

800+ Herbs and Remedies You Need For Each Part Of Your Body

The Herbal Body Map:
800+ Herbs and Remedies You Need For Each Part Of Your Body

In this short video you will discover:

  • DIY Natural Ibuprofen - From a Common Backyard Plant
  • The Invasive Weed That Helps Lower Blood Pressure
  • The Ultimate Survival Tree That Grows On Every Street In Europe

  • The Most Powerful Antidepressant That You Can Make At Home
  • The Spice That Can Stop Bleeding In Just A Matter Of Seconds
  • The Common Household Item That Kills Parasites In The Digestive Tract

In this short video you will discover:

  • DIY Natural Ibuprofen - From a Common Backyard Plant
  • The Invasive Weed That Helps Lower Blood Pressure
  • The Ultimate Survival Tree That Grows On Every Street In Europe
  • The Most Powerful Antidepressant That You Can Make At Home
  • The Spice That Can Stop Bleeding In Just A Matter Of Seconds
  • The Common Household Item That Kills Parasites In The Digestive Tract

Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll find in The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies:

Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll find in The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies:

There are two distinct ways to search through the book.  

First, you'll be able to easily flip through the book looking for a specific plant or to find out what plants are growing in your area.  

Each plant has between 2 and 4 high quality color pictures and detailed identification instructions, so anybody can use it as a field guide in their backyard or whenever they go out foraging.

The second index of the book makes it easy to search by your specific problems, ailments or needs. These are just some of the reasons why this book is perfect guide for beginners, seasoned herbalists or even people with no plant experience at all.

On Page 144

The "Painkilling Plant" That Grows in Most Backyards

On Page 144

The "Painkilling Plant" That Grows in Most Backyards

For example, this is one of the plants you’ll find in The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies. If it looks familiar that's because it grows in most backyards, and most people weed it out. But what they probably don’t know is that this plant contains a milky substance called lactucarium which acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) to lessen the feeling of pain. 

Inside the book you’ll find full instructions on how to turn it into an extract that you can use whenever you are in need.

On Page 118

The Most Sought Out Plant in a Crisis

On Page 118

The Most Sought Out Plant in a Crisis

I’ll also show you the common driveway plant that has become the most expensive and sought out plant in Greece after the pharmacies ran dry.

On Page 149

Use This Immediately When You Have An Open Wound

On Page 149

Use This Immediately When You Have An Open Wound

On day 42 of the Alone show, I accidentally hurt my knuckle while gutting a fish. The wound would most likely have gotten infected.

Luckily, I found yarrow, which quickly stopped my bleeding. And, most importantly I found Usnea, which is a plant used for infections. You've probably seen it growing on tree trunks.

I dressed my wound for 3 days with these and now you can barely see the scar anymore. 

On Page 53

What Happens When You Pour Salt into a Cabbage?

On Page 53

What Happens When You Pour Salt into a Cabbage?

On page 54, you’ll find out the interesting thing that happens when you pour salt into a cabbage.

The end result you'll get by fermentation - called Sauerkraut - is full of probiotics that protect your digestive tract, regulating bowel movements and in many cases preventing both diarrhea and constipation.  

On Page 145, 84 and 219

3 Powerful Remedies To Keep On Hand

On Page 145, 84 and 219

3 Powerful Remedies To Keep On Hand

I’ll also show you 3 powerful remedies that are easy to make, and that you should always have around.

Between them, these remedies cover a lot of needs.  

On Page 214

Quick Sore Throat Remedy

On Page 214

Quick Sore Throat Remedy

Money may not grow on trees, but many of the things people pay money for DO.  

This one, that you’ll find on page 214, was largely used by our forefathers whenever they had a sore throat.

On Page 112

The Leaf People Should Place In Their Shoes

On Page 112

The Leaf People Should Place In Their Shoes

You’ll also find out the plant that boosts your energy and relieves foot pain when you wear it inside your shoes.

What Happens If You Burn Bay Leaves?

What Happens If You Burn Bay Leaves?

I bet you didn’t know you can turn bay leaves into a sedative if you burn them. So whenever you're stressed, burn some dry bay leaves in a safe dish. Close the room to trap the smoke and let it spread. Breathe deeply to feel the calming effects instantly!

On Page 49

Break Fevers With This Recipe

On Page 49

Break Fevers With This Recipe

Another plant you’ll find in The Lost Book of herbal Remedies is boneset, which our forefathers used to reduce fever.  

In fact, the name “boneset” was derived from the plant's use in the treatment of breakbone fever.

You can find the recipe on page 49 of the book.

On Page 263

What Happens If You Dry Willow Leaves?

On Page 263

What Happens If You Dry Willow Leaves?

You get a natural remedy very similar to aspirin that doesn’t cause gastric damage. You can use the dried leaves to make a tea that works for pain and fever relief. You can also chew on the tip of a willow branch for the same effect.

If you didn’t know already white willow contains salicylic acid, a substance very similar to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) with similar properties.

On Page 68

The Plant You Should Add To Your Salads for Erratic Blood Sugar

On Page 68

The Plant You Should Add To Your Salads for Erratic Blood Sugar

Chances are you've come across this plant growing in sidewalk cracks, but probably not in a salad. It may look like Rocket, but it's not. In fact it's much more nutritious and it also contains an essential trace mineral called chromium that helps the pancreas. 

Chromium is extremely rare nowadays because of the food processing methods that remove most of the naturally occurring chromium from foods. Maybe this is one of the reasons why so many afflictions are so common today, but 100 years ago they rarely affected our forefathers.

On Page 277

Natural Doxycycline – The Antibiotic

That Probably Grows In Your Backyard

On Page 277

Natural Doxycycline – The Antibiotic That Probably Grows In Your Backyard

If you’re like most modern people today, you probably have no idea just how many powerful natural remedies might be hiding in your own backyard. Usnea is one such remedy. It grows in long beard-like strands which is how it earned the nickname “Old Man’s Beard”. It’s the only lichen with a white core so if you see this, then you know you’ve got the right lichen.

Unlike lab-made antibiotics such as Doxycycline, Usnea does not mess up your gut flora or render other antibiotics potentially less effective over time.

So, why wouldn’t you turn Usnea into an antibiotic tincture to use for common infections while saving those prescription antibiotics for when you really…really need them?

Try This For Stubborn Coughs

Try This For Stubborn Coughs

Take a black radish and cut off the top so that you get a lid. Using a spoon, carve inside the radish, leaving about 1 inch on each side. Pour honey inside until the hole is full and add some grated horseradish to the honey inside. Place the lid back and let it extract overnight. Take a few tablespoons of syrup each day until your cough subsides. It works!

On Page 208

The Plant our Forefathers Used for Respiratory Upsets

On Page 208

The Plant our Forefathers Used for Respiratory Upsets

Chances are, you’ve seen this plant too. It grows in most forest glades.

You’ll discover how to use it to tackle not only common colds but lung problems as well. 

Also, taking in the steam from leaves that have been boiled in water will loosen up the airways and improve breathing.

It does this by loosening the mucus in the chest and sinuses.

On Page 295

Add This Plant To Your Coffee or Tea
Reduce Pain And Inflammation

On Page 295

Add This Plant To Your Coffee or Tea

To Reduce Pain And Inflammation

You’ll also discover what backyard plant can turn any regular coffee or tea into a powerful mixture that soothes pain and inflammation.

What Happens If You Pour
Hot Water Over A Banana?

What Happens If You Pour Hot Water Over A Banana?

You get a Banana Tea! Drink it whenever you have a hard time falling asleep.

Bananas are super high in a substance called Tryptophan that helps create two sleep hormones – melatonin and serotonin. Good sleep is much more than having a productive next day: it’s about your health, your waistline, how fast you age and how many wrinkles you get, your focus, and so many other important things in life. 

On Page 82

How to Turn This Annoying Plant into a Vein Cleanser

On Page 82

How to Turn This Annoying Plant into a Vein Cleanser

If you ever walk through the edges of woodland, and get some sticky burrs attached to your clothing, you can bet you’ve just passed by this plant.  

The best way to deal with this annoying plant? Eat it.  

Our ancestors used it as a sweetener 200 years ago, and it tastes better than most greens I know. 

What people don’t know is that this plant is also a strong diuretic effect that you can eat if you have poor blood circulation. If you’ve ever felt a tingling and numbness sensation in a limb in certain positions, you my try this plant people used for centuries as a blood vessel cleanser. 

On Page 147

The Backyard Bandage That Soldiers Used On The Battlefield

On Page 147

The Backyard Bandage That Soldiers Used On The Battlefield

Another plant you’ll find inside is called Lamb’s Ear. Also known as “backyard bandage”, this plant has been used for centuries on battlefields to stop bleeding. 

It’s been recently discovered it’s high in Vitamin K, the vitamin that coagulates the blood.

On Page 274

Nature's Anesthetic

On Page 274

Nature's Anesthetic

You probably already know cattails are edible. But few people know what is probably the most important thing about them. The jelly-like substance that grows between its leaves. It is very good for severe skin infections. And one of the best ointment for nail and foot fungus.

On a different note, this gel is the only part of the cattail that is widely considered to be inedible. It’s not poisonous…so why? Well, because it has a numbing effect on moist tissues and was used as an anesthetic by our forefathers. When they were hit with a ravaging toothache, they would just go get their jar of cattail ooze and rub it around their gums. The pain would subside in minutes.  

Why You Should Make Some Onion Syrup At Home

Why You Should Make Some Onion Syrup At Home

If you ever get a throat infection, this tasty medicinal syrup will be of great use. And that’s because onions contain a natural antibiotic called Allicin. Take an onion and cut it in half. Then, carve out a hole in one of the halves. Fill it with sugar. The sugar will melt in about 2 hours, drawing the natural throat-calming liquid from inside the onion.

Take this onion syrup each day until your throat feels better.

On Page 210

The "Ultimate Survival Tree"

On Page 210

The "Ultimate Survival Tree"

I call it that because you can use the sap as a remedy, its flowers as a sleeping aid, its leaves as food, and the inner bark as cordage.  

You don’t need much more than this for survival.  

On Page 128

Use This Recipe If You're Losing Hair

On Page 128

Use This Recipe If You're Losing Hair

Gather a handful of rosemary sprigs and cover them with water inside a pot. Let everything boil on low heat for three hours. Cool off and then strain the rosemary-infused water. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray on your scalp and hair after you wash it. Massage it gently. That’s it, no need to rinse it off. Use it twice a week until you see visible results.  

On Page 56

Better Than Sleeping Pills

On Page 56

Better Than Sleeping Pills

You’ll also find a very special plant that can lower stress levels and in doing so, it helps people get a good night's sleep.

Deep sleep is the only time your body has to clear away damaged cells or repair them. That’s probably why people who sleep well tend to live longer.

On Page 106

The Leaky Gut Herbal Blend

On Page 106

The Leaky Gut Herbal Blend

You’ll also discover the plants that I use in my Leaky Gut Herbal Blend that forms a protective layer around perforations in the gut through which particles may enter the bloodstream.  

You really don't want anything that causes inflammation entering your bloodstream as this leads to an inflammatory response that puts the immune system into an unhealthy overdrive.

The Childhood Remedies

The Childhood Remedies

In The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies you’ll also find the folk aids that our grandparents gave us to bring down fever, alleviate a sore throat, fight the flu, and many more. They used only common household items that you probably have in your cupboard right this second.  

Like the spice you add to your meals that helps to stop bleeding.

Or the substance that our forefathers used to destroy parasites in the digestive tract.

Or the common household “stain buster” that our grandparents used in fighting most fungal and bacterial skin infections. 

This Was Just a Glimpse of what you’ll find in The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

This Was Just a Glimpse of what you’ll find in The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

But There’s MORE That You’re Going To Get: 

If you get The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies today, you’ll also take advantage of one exclusive *gift.  

You’ll get the '80-Square-Feet Medicinal Garden in Your Backyard'

Wouldn’t it be nice to have the plants you need growing close by? In this bonus you'll find out how to plant, grow and harvest them the right way.

You will also receive a second surprise gift if you order today.

Take advantage of two extra digital bonuses if you order today (for FREE)

I printed The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies in a limited edition, with color pictures, containing 800+ plants and the remedies made from them. 

Now you can find all you need to know about medicinal plants in one book.  

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies will also become your field guide. With it, you can identify the beneficial plants growing around your house or when you go out foraging.

Just scroll down, and click on the button below to get your own copy.


I printed The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies in a limited edition, with color pictures, containing 800+ plants and remedies made from them. 

Now you can find all you need to know about medicinal plants in one book.  

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies will also become your field guide. With it you can identify the beneficial plants growing around your house or when you go out foraging.

Just scroll down, and click on the button below to get your own copy.


On this website the book is available in English

What People Are Saying About The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

What People Are Saying About The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I can’t stop studying it!

Christiane Schmohl

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fun book talking about the beneficial plants all around us.

Terry Wahls M.D.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I love this book!

Sandy Hoffman

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I absolutely love this book. I use it all the time.

Claire Tomkinson

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ What a Gem

“I almost passed on buying this book due to the cost. I am so glad I have it on my shelf!! Haven’t you always wondered about those plants around the house? Especially the ones we call weeds? Well what a surprise to receive the book and open it up to see dozens of “weeds” in clear pictures with well written explanations about them. Healing is truly in the earth and all around us. The book explains each common plant, what it’s medicinal uses can be and then how to make them into safe and effective remedies. I can’t wait to get out there and harvest some that grow around my house and used to fall prey to the weed wacker!! [...] The book and pages are copy paper size and well illustrated and very easy to read. I just love it!”  

Ladyhawk14 - Sheffield, Retired hospice nurse, animal lover and rescuer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Must-have book for herbalists - with plant PHOTOS, not drawings

“This is a must-have book for anyone interested in using herbs for health and well-being! I started studying herbalism almost two years ago. It opened up a whole new world and I've embraced the beauty and power of herbs as an integral part of my daily life. I searched high and wide for a good plant identification book. Finally, I found it in this book. All of the other books I considered had drawings (which are so hard to use in a practical sense) instead of actual photos (like this one does). And the harvesting and usage notes are so helpful. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for this wonderful resource! I've already shared it with others. What a bargain, at just $37, for both a digital and print copy.”

Denise L Caiazzo - herbalist

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ... book of Remedies is by far one of my better books. The book is very well written 

"The lost book of Remedies is by far one of my better books. The book is very well written, fantastic colored illustration and easy to read. This book is amazing. I purchased 4. One for myself, 3 as gifts. this is a book you need to have. Seriously, I rarely write reviews. This book warrants rave and high reviews." 

Doc Washburn - Copenhagen

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is an important must-have book

"Really good reference source for herbal home remedies. The detailed pictures are very helpful when identifying the plants out in the wilds. The detailed instructions on mixing the herbs gives me confidence that I haven't skipped any thing important. [...] the information the reader needs is in the book. I feel the book is well worth the money and should be a staple on any self-reliant persons bookshelf."


⭐⭐⭐⭐Five Star Book if the editor had better organizational skills

“[...] The color photos are great. A smaller thicker book with one plant on a page would be better handled. Then list plant, how to identify, uses, and how to prepare, etc. Maybe just say infusion, decoction, tea, etc. and have how to make these in a separate section if no room on a smaller page. I originally received an empty envelope, but Nicole saw to it that I promptly received my book.”

A lesson learned

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This is a GREAT book. for any survivalist, prepper or anyone tired of chemicals

“[...] If you are a prepper, survivalist, or off grider, this book is for you!!! It full of the old way (ALL NATURAL) home remedies. My wife and I have had need to try some, and although I was a little skeptical at first. I will say they work. Most of the ingredients can be found in the yard or on the roadside, and just need a little prep time. Also look at the Book, "The lost Ways" Both are worth having in you library.”

Andrew P. Porto

On this website the book is available in English

About Nicole Apelian, Ph.D

About Nicole Apelian, Ph.D

Dr. Nicole Apelian is an herbalist, a mother, a survival skills instructor, and a biologist. She graduated with a degree in Biology from McGill University in Canada and has her Master’s degree in Ecology from the University of Oregon. She earned her Doctorate through Prescott College while working as an anthropologist and ethnobotanist in Botswana.

She spent years living with the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert, one of the last indigenous peoples who still live as hunter-gatherers. Developing strong relationships within the tribe helped Nicole learn many of the remedies and skills she practices and teaches today.  

An unexpected diagnosis of MS in 2000 led Nicole to apply her research skills towards her own personal wellness. She focused on a healthy living strategy, including deep nature connection and gratitude practices. Through changes in her lifestyle, and using her own remedies, Nicole went from bedridden to being fully alive and from surviving to thriving.

And in 2015 she was among the first women to be selected for the History Channel’s TV show Alone. She then went on to survive for 57 days straight alone in the wild with little more than the plants that she found there.  

She believes that there are many more people who need to find their own remedy.

This became her life’s mission and the main reason for writing this book.

In it, she poured out 28 years of plant knowledge and her first-hand experiences of making her own poultices, tinctures, decoctions, salves, syrups, infused oils, and other herbal remedies.

You have a full 60 days to try The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

You have a full 60 days to try The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

If at any time during those 60 days you are not COMPLETELY satisfied with The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies, send me an e-mail, and I’ll give you back every cent.

It’s as simple as that!

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That’s my personal guarantee.

On this website the book is available in English

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